Category Archives: 2.13 NaBloPoMo

~A Quick Short Story~

She took a deep breath, and told the boy, she’d never let go.

She ignored his warnings.  The promises of the demons lining the road ahead of him.  The mountains, valleys, and rivers that blocked the way.

She’d walk it all with him.

Her heart, her soul, would be trampled, bruised, and scraped.  A casualty of his pains, not the victim.  She couldn’t turn away.

The path would be cold, and lonely.  Covered in shadows, and bitter winds.  It would hurt, and she would be hurt, but she’d never let go of that boy.

And maybe he was right, maybe one day, together, they would reach the end of that path.  And they could both laugh, together, at the trials they had conquered, the fear they had tackled.

Then together, hand in hand, they would continue down the next one, towards the next mountain that needed to be moved.

And then the next one.  And the next one.

And she would never let go.

The Day that was Yesterday

We’re just going to go ahead and ignore the fact that I didn’t post anything yesterday.  Only because in actual reality, I did write, several things in fact, I just declined to push that pesky “publish” button.

Honestly, I wrote tons, tons and tons… on facebook chat.  It counts.

I was simply having a Monday, disguised as a Wednesday type of day.  I mean really, my day started with everyone waking up while it was still my “momma’s quiet coffee time”, then my mom called to inform me she had my dog’s ashes, then our “basement/farm” cat never came back from his nightly “romp” (he came back this morning), then I got a huge case of “nobodycaresaroundhereandI’mprettysuremychoresaregoingtoeatmealive”.

As I was crying it out on chat with a dear friend, I hear mad honking outside.  I love how the UPS guy always drives through at the toddler’s nap time, and has to blast his dang horn to announce his arrival.  So he pulls out a box, with a florist name on the side.  And I seriously thought when a certain friend sent me a note about something special heading my way, that this was that, and I was seriously surprised.

So I lug the box inside, and open it up, to find my husband’s name on the card… and then I lost it.  The day crumbled me into a mushy pile of tears.

I promptly grab my phone and text my husband, “You big jerk head.”  Then I went to take a picture of the flowers, to send to him with a note on how his timing was perfect and made me cry…

But my phone died.  Like dead died.  Like wouldn’t function to save my life.  All he got was, “You big jerk head.”

Yup.  No joke.  That was my day.  Granted, hilarious by that point.

An hour later my phone was up and running, with a text, “That wasn’t the reaction I was expecting.”  And by that point I was laughing hysterically, because there was nothing else to do.

Yes you may laugh at me now.  😉

And because obviously I need a new phone before I start some sort of world war with incomplete text, I’m having a “Day Before Chocolate Goes on Sale Day” Sale over at my Etsy shop, White Goat Ranch.  Use the code, “BEMINE” and get 15% off of your entire order!  Today only!  (Counts on Custom orders placed today as well!!!)

~Commercial Break~






Now we’ll take you back to your regular blogging….


A Monday Ramble

There’s some very good benefits to giving up on the whole “real writing” deal.

Like stats, I can finally give up on checking the dang stats every time I publish a new post here.  Sure I still look, but it’s easier to shrug them off now.  Also, it’s a tad bit easier to pull something out of nothing for NaBloPoMo, I’ve lost the worry over “What will Blogher want to see?”  and “What will they feature, or better yet Syndicate?”  And there’s the daunting, “Oh my gawd, people will see that post and think I’m crazy for even thinking I could be a writer!”  Lost that one too.

I needed a huge dose of “I don’t care” a very long time ago.  Because I always cared, always, and I cared too much.

Which is a confusing mix of inner voices, because all the time when I was striving for this goal or that, letting my feelings get tied into who did what, and why not me… the whole time I was battling whether or not any of it was even the path for me.  Mental punishment for both trying and for not trying hard enough.

Now I get to sick back and laugh at it all.  And it feels good.  I don’t have to care anymore.  I can just enjoy putting words out into the interwebs… or not.

Granted, quitting something before you even really step out and try it on, probably isn’t the best “Go me” moment.   Because when you get down to it, blogging and writing, are a whole heap of sameness, yet couldn’t be further apart.  There’s such safety hiding behind little blurbs of thoughts, but writing, as in sending your works out to someone specifically, waiting for them, hoping they choose you… yeah.

Maybe one day I won’t be able to hold back those little voices in my head who want to walk down the aisle of a bookstore and see my name sitting on the shelf.  But for now, I’m happy to be free from them.

~Ten Things~

I’m tongue tied this morning, or more so finger tied.  I’m tripping over thoughts as I try to type them, and I’ve already wasted too much time this morning staring at this blank screen, so let’s make this easy, shall we?


Going with the theme this month from BlogHer, 10 things I love in no particular order as they randomly pop into my head:

  1. Waking up early, and having what I call “A Date with my Brain”.  Aka, me time, with my coffee and complete silence.
  2. Warm rains.  The kind you can stand out in without freezing your arse off.
  3. Sketching with thick paper and a super sharp pencil.
  4. The smell of a stable.  Something about the mix of leather, hay, and horse hair gets me every time.
  5. Letters from friends, real ones, in the mail.
  6. Giggles from the children.
  7. Fresh warm bread with butter.  Has to have butter.
  8. Sitting at a fire.
  9. Throwing rocks into a river.
  10. Opening a brand new, fresh, analog, book.  Aka, one made out of paper.

Quick, what’s ten things that you love?

When Good Dogs Run


I’m not big on giving out dog training advice via the interwebs, or even the phone.  Every dog is so different, and every owner is different too, and in 99% of cases there is no one way fits all approach to anything.

And too, I’m a Dog Trainer for one of my many livings.  I have a student loan I’m still paying on.  I need to get paid and such.

But in saying all of that, my friend had a scary situation last night, that many of us have faced before, and it’s one that could really get someone hurt, in more ways than one.  Her dog jumped the fence and took off running.

Stopping this from ever happening is a pretty easy fix with most dogs, but not one that can be done from my office on a computer screen.  So let’s talk about what you should do when your dog takes off.

I’d bet 89% of us would immediately panic.  Our dogs feel that.  We tense up, our hearts begin to race, we move in jerky actions, lounge forward, scream loudly… sorta like a rabid ape lounging towards our pets.  So they run, they run for every inch of their life.  Would you run to a human acting like that?  Right.

So the first thing to do is to try to relax.  Easier said then done, I know.  If they’re standing there, not running yet, try dropping to the ground, relaxing, calling their name gently.  Acting like there’s nothing going on.  If your dog has had some decent obedience training, you can fake a treat in your hand and call out some commands, like tricks, happily, and get their focus on you.

Again, in the same spirit, if they are running, or they have that look in their eye that they want to take off, turn it into a game.  Most dogs love a good game of chase, and most of them never get a good game of it in with their owners.  So you take off running, jumping around like prey, in the opposite direction.  Playfully call their name.  Act like an idiot.  Make them want to chase you.  And never immediately grab them when they do come back.  Offer tons of praise, act like nothing happened.

Another good exercise is to practice these things outside, with distraction, on a leash.  The two most important commands in a dog’s life is “Come” and “Down”, so seek out a good qualified trainer if your dog doesn’t know these commands perfectly.

And remember, no plan is ever fool-proof, especially with an animal.  Make sure they have a micro-chip that is registered, and always keep current pictures on hand.  And never, ever panic.

This is just a quick tip, and there’s so much more I could cover.  I’d be happy to answer any questions that can be answered online.


ps. legal stuff: I cannot be held liable for you reading this information and it not working with you and your pet.  Dog training is a physical and demanding sport and discretion should always be used.  Be smart and safe out there.  😉  Aka you can’t sue me.  ❤

pps: My official website is down right now, but for kicks you can find me at my hardly ever touched facebook page

‘Cause Life Keeps on Happening

The weekend started normal.  Way too many plans, way too many things I wanted to get done.  Hanging out with my mom, the usual.

After a week with my son being in and out of some stomach bug, that was minor, but still icky, and then our daughter ending the week with it, the weekend was welcomed.

And then I got it.  This stupid stomach bug.  Which is bad enough, because your stomach swells like you’re 7 months pregnant, and you contemplate moving all your belongings into the bathroom, and eventually your body just runs out of steam… but then it gets worse.

Then I get a panicked phone call from my mom.

My jack russell, the last of the two dogs she had kept from my days in dog training school, is sick, very sick.  And she’s rushing her off to the emergency vet.

So then it’s tossing and turning, from a stomach that’s trying to birth a 20 pound alien of sickness, and not knowing if your very young jack russell is ever going to be okay, and wishing you weren’t an hour away to comfort your mom, and a little bit of prying to God wondering what the heck He’s trying to do with taking your two best dogs, your goat, and now another pet in less than two years…

And then it’s biting your tongue as the rest of the family need this and that, and right now, all the while you’re just trying to stay in one piece.


She passes in the middle of the night.  Heart failure out of nowhere that they couldn’t stop.  And I’m thankful that it was a pet, and not a human, but the emptiness grows.

So I do the stupid and make a coffee date, just to get out of the house.   As I’m rushing to make one stupid bagel before I leave, dying from hunger.  And then the cream cheese is frozen and won’t smooth out.  So I pull out a stick of butter and try to microwave it for a second to soften it up, and then the microwave shoots sparks out at me.  Then the toddler, laughing the whole time, just takes my bagel and runs off with it.

Hungry and now late, I rush out to the car, and it’s on empty.

I get gas and hit traffic, because a bear is standing on the side of the road…

And I laugh and cry, because this stupid life, just keeps on happening.


Insanity, it Happens

When I sat down to write out my annual 101 things in 365 days list (posted on my other blog) somehow my fingers cranked out, “Tackle another NaBloPoMo”.   I obviously wasn’t thinking, and I’m sure I was just trying to fill in spaces on the list, and probably, just probably I was suffering through another moment of insanity fueled by 70* weather surrounded by snowy days.


I don’t have time for this.  Every free minute I have should be filled with knitting, and crocheting, and making soaps and such.  Because momma needs a new car that doesn’t die every time it rains.

And too, I have a shiny new blog for the business to work on, and I need to be promoting that, and being all business like, and a garden, and animals, and a kitchen remodel that’s been halfway done for months now…

Let’s not forget the whole, I know better than to do NaBloPoMo in February, I should pick a short month, and I should definitely plan ahead, with scheduled ideas, with some kind of plan…

But. It. Is. On. That. Damn. List.

And I want to slay that list this year.  And why not get to it right now.

And since I gave up on any sort of actual writing, aren’t I not free to write whole blog post about nothing?!

Insanity.  It’s what this friggen cold weather peppered with tornadoes does to me.

Ps.  I’m still skipping the weekends.  ;p