Monthly Archives: October 2012

What I Won’t Do

I have to clear some things up here.  Starting with that this post is about my personal philosophy towards this subject.  If your’s differs, this is not an insult to you.

I received an email last week requesting that I host a review and giveaway for a certain company who I shall not be naming here.  I simply replied back, “I’m sorry, but I cannot offer reviews for anyone or anything I have no experience with.  That is not my policy.” 

You see, even with my absence on my blog, and in my blogging communities (okay so I might be a slackard loser in this department as of late), I still consider my readers, my followers, my FRIENDS.  I love hosting giveaways, and giving out my own twist on reviews… but to lie…

I figured the case was closed, until I got another email to the tune of, “Other bloggers have given us great reviews, and you should trust them.  Listing our name on your site will heap your views, and make your blog even better.  That should be a better offer than a free product.  Here’s the link and guidelines for your review and giveaway.  We need you to list this by *insert a specific date*”.  (Paraphrased)



Sure, the company might be honest and great and totally legit.  Is “might” worth enough to risk my friends’ trust?  Hell no. 

So I’m putting this out here now.  As this is the second company that has requested a blind review.  SHUD UP.  Stop wasting your time.  It’s not going to happen.  I don’t care about getting free stuff, I care about my readers, my friends.  I will NEVER do a blind review on ANYTHING.

I will however continue to offer reviews and giveaways to all of my friends.  My policy remains:  I will recommend any person I trust, with or without product samples, but I’ll let you know if I have not tried their product/service.  I will review and recommend products and services I have experienced, and my review will be my honest opinion.  And you’ll know if they paid me for it, or not, as required by my morals and the law.  No exceptionsIf I do not know you personally, and/or if you cannot offer a sample of your product or service I will not share you with my friends, period.

Any questions?


White Goat Ranch

One day I will grab my muse by her throat and demand a real blog post out of her… one day.

But for today I’m going to share with you the most awesome thing that has ever hit the interwebs!  Are you ready for it?

Okay so it might not be the most awesome thing on the interwebs ever, but it is my new Etsy shop, and I would love for everyone to go check it out.

There’s not a lot on there yet, but there are lots of projects I’m slaving away at, that should be ready soon.

Also I’m accepting custom orders for most knit and crochet projects to be ready for Christmas, for two more weeks.  (think of all those pins you have for hats, scarves and such that you never have time to make)

And because I am who I am, I have to insert that I am not asking my readers to run out and buy stuff, unless you want to.  I don’t expect any of you to make a purchase, and will hold no hard feelings if it’s just not your thing.  Trust me, I get it.  And I get how thin people’s wallets are.

I do ask that you follow me on facebook at and if you have an extra second to favorite me at .  (The amazing Elaine and I are still working on a offical site/blog) 

Also, as usual I would love to hear your feedback.  You can shoot that over to jemily383 (at) gmail (dot) com. 

And too, because rambling is a necessity here I will be looking to provide at least two promotions in the next two months, shoot me an email if you’re interested in hosting one. 



Are You Willing to Make a Change?

Is it possible to change your life? 

What change would you make?  Is it big, is it small, is there just one, or would you make at least a dozen changes?

Could you turn around just one or two small aspects of your life and make yourself a better, happier person?

Yesterday I stumbled on an article claiming that in just 100 days you could make a major change in your life by just doing one or two things everyday.  This isn’t a new idea to me, I’ve followed, I’ve read the books, the blogs, watched the shows on tv, and have always ended up bored, procrastinating, forgetting about my “mission” and so many more excuses. 

Life always seems to get in the way of making a real change.

But changing things, even just small things is always so appealing.  Because what if, just maybe, things could be different, better, easier, and the grandest of all allures… more fulfilling?

What if I could have changed things on try #1, or #2, or #12 two years ago, if I had just stuck with it?!

What if you could have changed such and such six months ago… where could you be now?

Ahh, but the point isn’t looking back and saying “what if”, the point is to let your past motivate you to actually dedicate yourself to a happier you today.   Or something of that nature.

I’m challenging you and myself to pick FIVE things from the list of sixty to tackle for the next 100 days.  Keep a journal, keep a blog, keep some record that shows your progress.  Dedicate yourself, find a friend to keep you accountable, don’t go it alone, storing the idea in the back of your head.  DO NOT procrastinate and say you’ll think about it later, waiting for the perfect time, the perfect list of five… just start now.  Because I know you are already psycho-analyzing this whole thing.  Stop.  It. 

Here’s the link again for the list that inspired this post:

You can choose from that list, another list, or make up your own five.  But share it with us!

Here’s my five:

  1. Set an hour aside every day for the next 100 days to devote to creating one source of passive income.
  2. Create a “100 Days to Conquer Clutter Calendar” by penciling in one group of items you plan to declutter every day, for the next 100 days.  Here’s an example:
  3. Follow the advice proffered by positive psychologists and write down 5 to 10 things that you’re grateful for, every day.
  4. Make it a point to learn at least one new thing each day: the name of a flower that grows in your garden, the capital of a far-off country, or the name of a piece of classical music you hear playing in your favorite clothing boutique as you shop. If it’s time for bed and you can’t identify anything you’ve learned that day, take out your dictionary and learn a new word.
  5. For the next 100 days do one kind deed for someone every day, however small, even if it’s just sending a silent blessing their way.

I wanted to choose something from every group, but there’s no reason to go overboard all at once, even if most of them sounded like great ideas that I just have to do now!

So let’s see it, what’s on your list?

(and psssst, go to to follow my upcoming craft thingy)