If I Did Resolutions~

Resolutions.  I don’t normally jive with the whole resolution thing.  Not that I don’t like setting or reaching goals, more so that the new year doesn’t throw waves of inspiration at me to make a change.  Spring is the only season that really inspires me, too bad we can’t change the calendar to start in spring.

But if I were going to make resolutions they might go as such:

  • Work.  Really work.  Like I already had an agent and publisher, with deadlines, meetings and such.  Take it seriously, work hard and hold myself accountable.  (This also includes treating myself to brand new pens in every color, fresh notebooks, folders, highlighters and post it notes… am I the only one who loves office supplies?!)
  • De-Clutter EVERYTHING.  I’m talking nothing out in the open, everything in its place, a place for everything, inside and outside, up stairs and downstairs.  Even the crap that was left by the previous owners out behind the goat hut.   (also too, make a note that this might call for a fresh tetanus shot)
  • Finish every project that has already been started.  2012 I deem you as the year in which things shall be finished.  (at least to finish everything that was started in 2011, we don’t want to go too crazy here)
  • Do something for ME everyday.  Like… exercise, put on makeup, fix hair in a way other than a ponytail, remember how to wear nail polish, read a book, tend to the goat in heels, anything for ME.  Things that remind me about ME and not my million other roles.
  • Make time to do something for others.  I’m talking writing a note, a letter, making a card, making a phone call… being more available for my friends.  Letting them know that even though my family is my priority that they too are the world to me.
  • Can I resolve to get things done twice?  Because I really want to. 
  • Maybe I can just resolve to be more focussed, more active, more of being a make things happen kind of year.  2012, Make it Happen.  Yup, that’s the theme. 

That’s all of course if I did resolutions.  Which I don’t, not until the spring. Which of course then all of my focus goes into running from tornadoes and getting as much dirt under my nails as humanly possible and the infamous hunting of snakes and moosen goosen.  Did I mention that I heard a large cat the other day, of the mountain lion variety?!  Hrrrrm, maybe I should start this stuff today, what’s the point of nail polish when you’re hunting and playing in the dirt?  And MAYBE I should cut back on the coffee… probably, maybe… not.

3 responses to “If I Did Resolutions~

  1. The top 3 resolutions, I have to repeat myself …
    and no, NO need to cut back on the coffee … it’s too aromatic 🙂

  2. This sounds pretty much what I’ve been thinking. We’ll see. Be good to yourself!! (And I LOVE office supplies!)

  3. I hate talking on the phone…hate. But I love…LOVE to write letters or cards or emails or whatever. I resolve to physically write more, as in words on paper…not screen. I still need to write my thank you cards for Xmas. And just cards thanking people for being people in my life that I’m thankful for.

    I will never give up coffee…at least, I hope I never HAVE to.

    Office supply stores are huge danger zones. Because I need it…doesn’t matter what “IT” is, I just need it. The tape dispenser in the shape of a giant red stiletto. I NEEDZ it…my precious. And organizing tools, I need them too…all of them…and someone to actually do the decluttering, because I hate that job.

    And…a big resolution…is to inspire Emily to write more and achieve the first resolution she put on this page.

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